Saturday, July 27, 2024



How Exercise Keeps You Young

How Exercise Helps Combat the Effects of Ageing on the Body Systems Cardiovascular changes Inactivity causes the heart to lose


What’s it going to Take to Accept Your Body

What’s it Going to Take to Accept Your Body I used to wonder what it would feel like to be


Diet is a Dirty Word

Diet is a Dirty Word If you are anything like me, you may have over-done it just a little over


You and Your Body; Can You Be Friends?

You and Your Body; Can You Be Friends? Are you friends with your body? Do you love it? Do you


Self Healing in 7 Days

Self Healing in 7 Days Sick & Tired of Feeling Sick & Tired? ​I get it, I was you…. longing


Do You WANT to Excercise?

Do You WANT to Start Exercising? Now I could answer this with phrases, such as ‘you just need to suck


Fussy Fuss Pots

Fussy Fuss Pots We’ve all been there………its dinner time and we have that familiar cold dread of the thought of


Top Tips For Your Pelvic Floor

Top Tips For Your Pelvic Floor Why do you think you leak pee? What’s the first thing that comes to


Basics of Core Strengthening in 4th Trimester

Basics of Core Strengthening in 4th Trimester “How do I get back to my pre baby size” is undoubtedly the


Fertility Fitness

Fertility Fitness Mind: Fertility journeys are individual and, for many, extremely personal and private. Some people are open to discussing,


Keeping up With The Kids – A Nutritional Therapist’s Top Tips

Keeping up with The Kids – A Nutritional Therapist’s Top Tips Being a mum and being knackered go together. If


Help Your Body Heal with Self Love

Help Your Body to Heal with Self-Love When was the last time you thanked your body?  Actually, have you ever