Saturday, July 27, 2024

Day in the life of a foster carer

After being a mummy to my 2 adoptive children for the past 14 years, we decided as a family we’d like to become foster carers. My inspiration came from my son’s wonderful foster carer who has remained an important part of our family. She had fostered over 90 children in fact our son was her 93rd. My husband and I made an enquiry to our local authority and went along to their foster carer training, and over a 6 month period, we undertook our training and shortly after being approved our 1st little man arrived – a newborn baby boy straight from the hospital. No one really prepared you for walking out of maternity with someone else’s baby. Then the reality set in, we had a newborn plus a 12 and 14-year-old, and we had never actually had a newborn or done the sleepless night and at 46 this was a shock to the system – thankful for makeup, anti-wrinkle cream and hair dye or I’m sure I’d have looked about 60!

 In fact one day we were mistaken for his grandparents! Bring on the Botox!!!

Being a foster carer is definitely a lifestyle and not a job, your whole life revolves around your little one, plus appointments, meetings and contact visits, but the love, cuddles, smiles and seeing the difference you can make in a child’s life is worth every extra grey hair and eye bag.

As a family, we have fostered 4 little boys, with our latest arriving just 1 week ago. We wouldn’t change our life for anything it is a perfect mix of crazy.

My day usually starts around 5.30 am with milk and cuddles in bed, followed by a busy day of contact visits usually 3 times a week. I drink many cups of coffee while waiting to pick baby back up, it’s also a great chance to run around the shops while you have an hour to yourself! Then afternoon naps, bath-time and bed.

My top tips if you are thinking about fostering.

1: Remember it is a lifestyle change, not a job.

2: You need to be super flexible.

3: You will get attached to them, but that is what they need.

4: You will cry when they leave, but always know you have made a difference to their little life.

5: You will have pockets full of dummies, random toys and Calpol.

6: It’s the worst paid role in the world but the best part of your life.

7: Be kind to yourself and take a bit of me-time while you can even if it’s only a nice coffee and a cake while you wait to pick the baby up.

8: If it’s something that has ever crossed your mind I’d say go for it.

💓I am Mandy founder of the calm mind consultancy.

💓This business was built on the back of leaving a 26 year NHS career with burnout, depressions etc in 2016.

💞My love and passion is to help and support children both personally as an adoptive mama and foster carer

💓professionally as a mindfulness specialist. I run 2 business both linked to wellness

💓My home and retreat venue Chetham Farm Retreat which opens its doors after 2 years being closed down due to covid. And my new baby business born during covid Mini Minds Matter.

💞I am a kind and compassionate person who loves to help people.

💖 I became a foster carer for new born babies 3 years ago having adopted my own children as babies 16 years ago and also working closely with 2 large adoption and fostering charities over the past 14 years.

💖I also turned 50 this year but feel like I am in the best decade of my life 🔥🔥🔥🔥


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