Saturday, July 27, 2024

Card of the Month


Imbolc is celebrated 1st-2nd of February in the northern hemisphere.

It is the half way point between the winter solstice and spring equinox. A time when the days are getting longer but it is still bitterly cold and we feel in the midst of winter. It brings the stirrings of new life and the hope of rebirth. Our potential is awakening along with the sap rising in nature.

The deity of Imbolc is Brigit. She is the goddess of healing, poetry and smithcraft. The bringer of light and warmer of hearth (home). Her return brings fertility to the earth and begins the triple goddess cycle of maiden – mother – crone. It is when we can created the future and seek the new beginnings.

Herbs & Plants

Bay, Basil, Blackberry (Brambles), Violet, Mugwort, Willow, Lavender, Coltsfoot


Red, Green, White, Spring Yellow


Amethyst – home protection and bringer of change

Moonstone – stone of new beginnings

Turquoise – spark creativity and help manifest inner creations into becoming outer successes

 Cards Mantra: I flow in cycles knowing light always returns.


Imbolc Ritual

Seek wisdom in the fire – light a pure white candle.

As you light the candle give thanks to the new born elemental spirit of fire.

Now seek guidance –

Spirit of the flame and fire I am grateful for your guidance,

Show to me the wisdom on your light and the path illuminate.

Spend some time watching the flame and recording the feelings and responses you experience.

Allow the candle to either burn done or snuff it our ( do not blow it out)

Tie some green, red and white thread around it.

Take it to a spring or running water as an offering to Brigit the deity of Imbolc.


Nixie Foster is an artist, author, way-shower and moon witch. Her passion is to empower soul-centred mamas to be in their truth so they love mamahood as much as their babies.


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