Thursday, September 12, 2024

3 Keys to Increase Intimacy in Your Relationship

Standing bare and exposed. Eyes gazing deep, holding hands, nose to nose, heart open, soft smile…

Imagine this moment.

You are stripped from your masks, utterly bare as you allow your partner to see you fully. Feel the profoundly loving moment. The interaction between the two of you feels spiritual. It’s magic and stokes a fire within you.

How does this imagery make you feel?

Awkward? Contracted? Tight tummy? Lump in the throat? You are not alone

The beauty of this imagined moment often causes a paradoxical adverse reaction. Many people find this level of exposure deeply unnerving. It is a vulnerable position, and for many, it is terrifying, so they shut intimacy off or dial it down.

Humans are social beings whose very growth is intrinsic to meaningful relationships. The flame within you is within all of us and burns hot when we connect. Intimacy is the most profound form of connection and ignites passion and desire; the very energy that weaves in the fabric of all creation. To dial this down is to block our infinite potential!

It’s radical, but personal growth via the exploration of intimacy and your fear of it, creates a ripple that flows out and touches all aspects of your life, including your relationships. So in a partnership or not, healing what blocks you in intimacy is a radical act of self-love! 

As you may feel in my words, intimacy is little to do with the other person. Your ability to connect and be intimate is primarily related to your relationship with yourself. It is of vital importance. 

Below I have given three master keys. These three keys are vital in developing connection and intimacy within relationships, build confidence, radiance and a deep sense of self-love… here they are;

1. Safety

Relationships are built upon safety, especially intimate ones, and your relationship with yourself is no different. Safety is to know and trust yourself well. It is to feel at home in your own body, to see every part of it and understand its connection to the physical plain. My advice is to get still and present, feel and follow your pleasure, and learn its language. Develop trust and understand your boundaries. Your body talks, so listen.

When you feel at home in your body, your nervous system relaxes and allows you to connect and feel pleasure. It enables you to reach out lovingly and take what you desire. Feel safe in your body and trust its language and expression and intimacy will flow.,

2. Acceptance
Being open and willing to share yourself as you are is at the core of intimacy. And so you offer yourself to be fully seen. Here’s the thing, many people are hiding (even from themselves!) So, how do you allow someone else to see you when you don’t dare to see yourself?

With self-acceptance.

Now listen, self-acceptance is an elite sport! Only the strongest hearts can muster the energy! And I’ll tell you why… because most of us have been moulding ourselves since birth to meet the expectations of our parents, family, teachers and community. The very core of our being is the thing we push away to be accepted.

Healing these wounds and developing unwavering self-acceptance is a very liberating act indeed and will most definitely give you the heart for meaningful connection!

May I add, that self-acceptance allows you to let go of judgments and unrealistic exceptions of other people, so you learn to accept others genuinely. For this reason, self-acceptance is the key to all relationships. Imagine how this could change your life! 

3. Forgiveness
After acceptance, you must forgive. Accept what is and let it go with the understanding that you are an evolving being. Make peace with your past.

Shame is the most common emotion connected to our most intimate relationships. It has the power to block and hinder pleasure… Hey, listen. Pleasure isn’t a bad thing! Yet many people carry around shame from past experiences. Perhaps we were made to feel dirty, disrespectful or naughty. It takes time but allowing forgiveness is incredibly liberating work!

Your most authentic relationship, the one between you and yourself, requires forgiveness. Forgiveness is where true healing is and will give you deep self-love. Be gentle with yourself and be your own loving parent… safety, acceptance and forgiveness.

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Now imagine that intimate moment again with a loving and respectful partner standing in front of you…

You are standing bare and exposed. You feel secure and strong in your body. Radiant and beautiful.

Eyes gazing deep. You accept yourself and because of that, you accept your partner. You see them as they are, not wanting anything else but them.

Holding hands, nose to nose, heart open. You forgive and feel the freedom it brings. No strings.

No attachments. Just…

Soft smile. Connection

Cassandra is a Live Activation Practitioner, Kabbalist and Initiate in the Linage of King Salomon.  

Her job is to guide you to radiance, vitality and leadership using ancient tools and activations!  She helps you go from the treadmill of ´same old, same old´ to fully activated and empowered!  

If you are a leader or feel the call to step up and master your life in a very powerful way, Cassandra would love to hear from you!  

Take control of your life with the backing of a Royal Linage.  Now that’s bad ass!


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