To create happiness you first have to create change from your current situation, and creating real change takes time, persistence and commitment. It does not happen overnight because a lot of it will involve reprogramming underlying limiting beliefs to create more positive and helpful beliefs and habits. While I know that your happiness won’t completely come from reading this one article and some of the tips I mention are a long-term action points but I want to give you a starting point. To pose to you some steps that you could take to begin to ‘the process of change’, a change perception which is a shift in mindset.
So why is it important to be happy now? We tend to attach happiness to our achievements, waiting to be happy when XYZ. When, in fact, happiness needs to come first, regardless. It’s the prerequisite to getting what you want, and it’s not the epilogue or the outcome. If it takes you ten years or twenty years to reach a status that you believe will give you happiness, and then you find it doesn’t fulfil you, what you’ve just done is spent years being unhappy for an assumption. You didn’t take advantage of all that time to live in happiness. Life is tough, and often we are thrown curve balls that throw us off course, but through all that, we can have our inner happy, the place we always return to, the inner smile and inner peace.
Shereen is a scientist turned mindset expert, specialising in helping women find their inner happy! After completing a masters in Medical Microbiology and working as a researcher for the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, she found her true purpose helping overwhelmed women find inner peace, purpose and another way of life.
She teaches women that life doesn’t have to be
❌ a struggle
❌ a sacrifice
❌ about putting others first
Happiness isn’t about
❌ looking to other people
❌ being perfect
❌ feeling ecstatic all the time
It’s about finding INNER peace, a way to be with your own thoughts without fear, without worry, without your mind moving a million miles an hour.
Before you can change your life, you need to change your thoughts. It’s not about the big changes but taking small steps in the right direction.
It’s a noisy world out there, there are so many coaches shouting their message at you, Shereen is not loud, she’s not bold, she’s all about bringing the calm into the chaos. AND she’s all about breaking through the noise, the bull to give you the SCIENCE behind your happiness.
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