Saturday, July 27, 2024

Find Your Money Blocks

Money blocks – we all have them and women carry more than their fair share

Block #1 is that we take the ostrich approach and bury our heads in the sand. We are in denial about money. We think that if we stop thinking about money it will just go away. Well, that’s not going to work !

Block #2 is that we think that we aren’t good with money. I would go so far as to say that a majority of women think this way. This is a false belief. No one is born good with money – it’s a learnable skill.  We need to make the decision to be good with money and take action in line with that decision to become financially literate.

Block #3 is that many women feel a lack of control around money and this often translates as overspending or underearning. If we resolve block no 2 and become financially literate we will feel more in control and we will be able to harness overspending and underearning.

Block #4 is that we don’t set money goals. As we think we aren’t good with money we experience a lack of confidence and this causes us to feel unsafe and insecure around money. We set goals about our weight – we can set money goals.

Block #5 is that there is a huge taboo around money and we all maintain that taboo.  Money is deeply personal and it’s not to be shared. We don’t talk about money. Most women are unable to discuss money with anyone, which means we can feel very  alone about money.  This taboo undermines our relationship with money and our relationships with each other. We need to start talking about money.

Block #6 is that the majority of us hide deep layers of anxiety, fear and shame around money. This leads us to believe that money is shameful or that we’re not good with it. So many of us are stuck in shame – and as we don’t talk about it we can’t support each other to find a way out.

Block #7 is that the majority of women experience fear when it comes to money:

  • Fear that we won’t have enough money to survive.
  • Fear that we won’t know how to manage the money we do have.
  • Fear that something terrible will happen and we won’t be able to take care of ourselves.
  • Fear because we have lost our money or…
  • Fear that we will lose whatever money we have.

Block #8 is that many women are stuck in deprivation and a state of emptiness and longing. We are stuck in feelings of not enoughness. We need to move out of deprivation and get to deserving..

Block #9 is that many women have no support around money. 63% of Australian women have a money problem at the end of the month and we do not seek support or assistance from each other.

Block #10 is that most of us are carrying baggage and negatives from our money history and these are reflected in our money stories. We carry a great many limiting beliefs, paradigms and patterns. You are more than your money story AND you can write a new story.

Block #11 is that a huge number of women find money to be boring.  There’s always something more interesting to do than money. Money is about budgeting, saving and deprivation and anxiety that there isn’t enough.  Money becomes interesting when we see it as a bridge to freedom, choice, our childrens’ futures, wellbeing and meaningful experiences like travel.

Block #12 is that we don’t seek out role models for about money. We may well seek out role models and mentors for other important parts of our lives but we hardly ever get excited about a money mentor.

Block #13 is that we don’t have time for this money stuff – which, really, is just an excuse to protect us from the previous blocks

Regardless of which money block you’re facing, hold tight to this truth: any money block can be overcome. It might take time, patience and working with a smart money coach. But it is possible.

Freedom fighter money coach, linguist, corporate escapee, entrepreneur, abstract artist,

 mum, wife, Spanish speaking merlot lover.

I started my coaching journey in 2001 – before coaching was a thing.

I completed my training and went on to work in Manager as Coach programs, Leadership and Executive Coaching and large group facilitations (250 attendees)

In 2015 I made a decision that I had had enough of being a money dill and I started a journey of research, study, learning and certification as a Money Coach.

Money work is transformational in a way that no other coaching is – because when dealing with money the rubber really meets the road. Once we pull the pin on money a host of pins get pulled and we transform many parts of our lives

Contact Details

Virginia Baker Woolf

+61 411882260