Saturday, July 27, 2024

Card of the Month


Samhain marks the Summers end. It is the time of the final harvest and when the darker evenings grow. It signals the entering of times of darkness. The time where all life begins; in stillness, darkness and nestled protected in warmth. It is when the years work has been reaped. When the soils prepared for the time of birth in spring. When we find completion of work done and turn to contemplation as life retreats within. The page has been wiped clean and a blank one awaits to scribe upon for the year to come.

Samhain is an important turn in the wheel of the year; a time when the veil between the past, the now and the yet to come thins. A time to honour our ancestors and our place upon the continual thread of heritage. We sit here and now with ancestors behind and descendants in front.

As old becomes young spend a few moments with this card symbolising that which lies hidden amongst the smoke and mirrors of the ancestral stories layered upon and carried through us. You are invited to be guided by the light of the future to connect with the wisdom of the past. Spiralling in and journeying to your centre; the place where the whispers of your ancestors lay. Become aware of your truth. In doing so you become awake, conscious, forgiving, grateful, taking your place on the line of heritage as a beneficial ancestor for descendants to come. You may want to record your thoughts and feelings or create a piece of writing.

Cards Mantra: Lost Is Found, Hidden Becomes Uncovered


A Ritual For Samhain

Traditionally it is a time of feast and celebration. A coming together where each lights a torch from the Bone-fire (now known as bonfire). This was the fire from the bones of the animals slaughter for feasting and a communal fire. All household fires were extinguished and restarted from this fire. A time when ancestors were remembered and honoured often seeking guidance and wisdom from their stories or whispers.

Light a candle, firepit or bonfire and gather family and friends. Spend time telling stories remembered of your ancestors and stories told by them. You could always spend sometime researching an ancestor you don’t know much about before and tell their story.


This card is part of The Wheel Turns, The Planets Move, The Moon Shines Oracle Deck which is in the process of becoming.

Nixie Foster is an artist, author, way-shower and moon witch. Her passion is to empower soul-centred mamas to be in their truth so they love mamahood as much as their babies.